MILO® Cereal is made with whole grain wheat and corn, providing kids with a source of fibre and 10 vitamins and minerals including iron and calcium. With a 4 Health Star Rating, MILO® Cereal fuels kids with whole grain energy.
Available in: 350g, 700g
Over the past ten years we have been making ongoing nutritional improvements to MILO® Cereal.
Nutritional highlights on our MILO® Core Cereal vs our 2006 recipe:
1. Fibre more than doubled (achieved by 2010).
2. Whole grain content doubled, making it the #1 ingredient (achieved in 2011).
3. Saturated fat more than halved (achieved in 2011).
4. Sodium lowered by 79mg / 100g (achieved in 2014).
5. Reduced sugar by 14% (achieved in 2015).
6. No artificial colours or flavours (achieved in 2015).
7. Achieved a Health Star Rating of 4 stars out of 5
A balanced breakfast will give you and your family the very best start to the day. You need a good mix of carbohydrates, fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals. These are found in lots of foods, and you can choose pretty much what you like, as long as you pick from the different breakfast food groups - grains, fruit and diary – and of course a glass of water.
One serve from each of these food groups will set everyone up for the day ahead.
To enjoy a balanced breakfast each day include grains (preferably whole grain or high fibre), dairy and fruit.

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